A Murphy door | Source: YouTube/MrCrimi
A Murphy door | Source: YouTube/MrCrimi

How to Make a Murphy Door — DIY Outswing Installation Guide

Christell Fatima M. Tudtud
Mar 12, 2024
01:30 P.M.
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Looking to discover how to create a Murphy door for your home? You've come to the right place! Incorporate a unique hidden door into your space by crafting your own, following the detailed guide below.

A Murphy door offers seamless integration into your room's design, serving dual purposes as both an innovative piece of furniture and a functional doorway. Different styles like mounted bookshelves, mirrors, and hidden pool cues seamlessly blend into any home setting.

This article focuses on guiding you through the company's process of creating a DIY outswing door, leveraging our expertise in this distinctive project area.

A door | Source: Pexels

A door | Source: Pexels

How to Make a Murphy Door — a Step-by-Step Guide

Transforming a space with a DIY outswing door can be a rewarding project. Here's how:

1. Gather the materials and tools


  • Door jamb kit: Essential for framing the door, including the jamb and threshold
  • Door: Select based on the desired size and style
  • Shims: For leveling the door jamb
  • Carriage bolt: Secures the door assembly
  • Shelf holders: Optional for shelving within your outswing door
  • Shelves: Optional, depending on your project needs
  • Door casing: Frames the door, enhancing aesthetics and concealing gaps
  • Grabbers (1/4 inch): For casing and door component attachment
  • Finish nails: For attaching casings and trim with a brad nailer or hammer
A door | Source: Pexels

A door | Source: Pexels


  • Drill with a 1/8-inch drill bit: For pre-drilling holes
  • Level: Ensures door jamb and threshold are horizontal
  • Brad nailer or hammer: Attaches casing and trim
  • Tape measure: For accurate material measurements
  • Screwdriver: Secures screws and fasteners
  • Pencil: Marks drill holes and alignment points
  • Saw: Optional for material cutting
  • Safety glasses: Protects eyes during work
A tool box for making a Murphy door | Source: Pexels

A tool box for making a Murphy door | Source: Pexels

2. Prepare the Door Jamb

Start by positioning the door jamb in the rough opening. The bottom threshold should extend into the room, hinting towards the cabinet's back. Ensure the bottom threshold and door jamb sides are level for the door to function smoothly.

Ensure that the bottom threshold and both sides of the door jamb are level. | Source: YouTube/murphydoor

Ensure that the bottom threshold and both sides of the door jamb are level. | Source: YouTube/murphydoor

3. Drill and Secure the Jamb

With a 1/8-inch drill bit, pre-drill three holes into each side of the door jamb. For areas that are not level, use shims for leveling as needed.

Pre-drill three holes into the door jamb using a 1/8-inch drill bit. | Source: YouTube/murphydoor

Pre-drill three holes into the door jamb using a 1/8-inch drill bit. | Source: YouTube/murphydoor

4. Install the Door

Carefully place the door within the door jamb, ensuring the bottom hinge aligns with the silver thrust bearing. Press down on the bottom of the hinge lock pin, retracting the two top pins for an outswing door set-up. From the interior side, align the top hinge holes and insert the hinge pin through, securing the door in place.

Place the door in the door frame, ensuring the bottom hinge matches with the silver thrust bearing. | Source: YouTube/murphydoor

Place the door in the door frame, ensuring the bottom hinge matches with the silver thrust bearing. | Source: YouTube/murphydoor

5. Add Shelves (Optional)

Add two shelf holders at your desired height, followed by two more directly opposite. Slide the shelves onto the holders and repeat for any additional shelves.

Add shelves at your desired height. | Source: YouTube/murphydoor

Add shelves at your desired height. | Source: YouTube/murphydoor

6. Attach the Door Casing

Attach the door casing with a 1/2-inch overlay over the door face, ensuring a minimum of 1/16-inch clearance at the top. Drill holes on the door's swing side for the side casing attachment.

Use quarter-inch grabbers, being careful not to penetrate through. Finish by attaching the hinge side casing and the top casing.

7. Make Final Adjustments and Test It

Now that everything is in place, test the door to ensure it opens and closes smoothly. Making any necessary adjustments at this stage is crucial to guarantee the longevity and functionality of your new outswing door.

Adjust the door as needed. | Source: YouTube/murphydoor

Adjust the door as needed. | Source: YouTube/murphydoor

Congratulations, your DIY outswing door is now complete and ready to enhance your space for years to come! This project not only adds a functional element to your room but also the satisfaction of having created something truly unique for your home.

Ready for another creative DIY project? Explore our guide on constructing a DIY bubble wall to elevate your space's ambiance further!

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