A rubber curb ramp | Source: Flickr/Howard O. Young/CC BY 2.0
A rubber curb ramp | Source: Flickr/Howard O. Young/CC BY 2.0

Build a DIY Curb Ramp for Seamless Driveway Access

Christell Fatima M. Tudtud
Feb 13, 2024
09:22 A.M.
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If you're a homeowner without a curb ramp for your car, don't worry! You can make one yourself, ensuring smooth access to your driveway for everyone. Here's how it's done.

A curb ramp is an essential sloped surface that protects your vehicle from damage caused by scraping against the driveway. It prevents harm to components such as the front splitter, underbody, and driveshaft, ultimately saving you money on potential repairs.

For those who enjoy DIY projects, common materials like concrete, wood, and steel are often used. Of these materials, wooden curb ramps, constructed from wood boards, offer a cost-effective and straightforward solution. Here's how to make your own DIY curb ramp.

A bricked curb ramp | Source: Shutterstock

A bricked curb ramp | Source: Shutterstock

DIY Curb Ramp

Materials needed:

  • 4 pieces of 3/8-inch by 4-inch hex screws and corresponding nuts (for the tall step)
  • 4 pieces of 3/8-inch by 2.5-inch hex screws and nuts ( for the short step)
  • 1 piece of wood, measuring 2 inches by 4 inches and 8 feet long
  • electric saw
  • electric drill with a 1/2-inch drill bit
  • 5/8 inch spade bit
  • socket set for tightening screws
  • tape measure
  • hammer
Use an eight-foot long wooden plank to make a DIY curb ramp | Source: Source: Youtube/LearnByBlogging

Use an eight-foot long wooden plank to make a DIY curb ramp | Source: Source: Youtube/LearnByBlogging


1. Start by measuring and marking four 12-inch segments from the 8-foot wood plank. Measure and mark three more segments, each 4.7 inches long.

Measure and mark the wooden plank to ensure the proper alignment of the DIY curb ramp. |  Source: Youtube/LearnByBlogging

Measure and mark the wooden plank to ensure the proper alignment of the DIY curb ramp. | Source: Youtube/LearnByBlogging

2. Cut along the marked lines on the wood using an electric saw. Prioritize safety by wearing goggles to shield your eyes from sawdust while cutting the planks into multiple pieces.

Trim the wood along the designated lines using an electric saw. | Source: Youtube/LearnByBlogging

Trim the wood along the designated lines using an electric saw. | Source: Youtube/LearnByBlogging

3. Lay out the four 12-inch pieces of wood horizontally on the table. Stack the three 4.7-inch planks vertically on top of them. Be sure to chamfer or smooth the edges as necessary.

Arrange the four 12-inch pieces of wood horizontally then stack the three 4.7-inch planks vertically on top of them. | Source: Youtube/LearnByBlogging

Arrange the four 12-inch pieces of wood horizontally then stack the three 4.7-inch planks vertically on top of them. | Source: Youtube/LearnByBlogging

4. Drill four holes into the surface of the first two 4.7-inch pieces of wood using a 1/2-inch drill bit to ensure proper alignment. These holes are for the tall section of the curb ramp. If this process proves challenging, consider drilling one piece into another, ensuring alignment along the same drilling line.

If drilling the wooden pieces together is difficult, attempt drilling one piece into another while ensuring they are on the same drilling line. | Source: Youtube/LearnByBlogging

If drilling the wooden pieces together is difficult, attempt drilling one piece into another while ensuring they are on the same drilling line. | Source: Youtube/LearnByBlogging

5. Switch to a 5/8-inches spade bit on your drill to create upper recesses in the wood where the screws will be placed. Open up about three-quarters of the wood's surfaces. This technique prevents screws from protruding and interfering with tires. Create bottom recesses with depths of 7/8 inches and 3/4 inches respectively.

Use a spade bit with your drill to carve recesses in the wood where the screws will be positioned. | Source: Youtube/LearnByBlogging

Use a spade bit with your drill to carve recesses in the wood where the screws will be positioned. | Source: Youtube/LearnByBlogging

6. Insert the four 3/8-inch by 4-inch hex screws and nuts into the holes one by one and tighten them securely using a socket wrench. If the screws won't fit immediately, just pound them down with a hammer.

If the screws don't fit right away, simply tap them into place using a hammer. | Source: Youtube/LearnByBlogging

If the screws don't fit right away, simply tap them into place using a hammer. | Source: Youtube/LearnByBlogging

7. Repeat the drilling and spading process for the last 4.7-inch wood plank until you've constructed a staircase-like ramp. Use four 3/8-inch by 2.5-inch hex screws and nuts for this part, as it's the shorter step.

8. Apply hardwood paint to the finished ramp to protect it from the elements and prolong its lifespan. Let it dry under sunlight. Once dry, you can finally use your DIY curb ramp on the driveway!

Dry the newly made DIY curb ramp before using it. | Source: Youtube/LearnByBlogging

Dry the newly made DIY curb ramp before using it. | Source: Youtube/LearnByBlogging

Creating a DIY curb ramp for your driveway is a feasible and cost-effective solution to ensure smooth access for your vehicle while preventing potential damage. With these instructions, you can easily build one yourself and enjoy the convenience it offers!

Once you've perfected the construction of your DIY curb ramp, consider delving into a DIY Montessori bookshelf to elevate both the functionality and aesthetics of your home.

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