Lick mat | A dog getting treats from the lick mat | Source: Youtube/The Review | Youtube/The BK Pets
Lick mat | A dog getting treats from the lick mat | Source: Youtube/The Review | Youtube/The BK Pets

Crafting a DIY Lick Mat for a Happy, Healthy, and Stimulated Pet

Christell Fatima M. Tudtud
Dec 14, 2023
06:38 A.M.
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Lick mats are becoming a popular trend, promising numerous benefits for your pets. And while you can easily purchase them in stores, a practical approach would be to create DIY lick mats.

The popularity of lick mats is increasing among pet owners, offering a way to transform mealtime into an engaging challenge for dogs or cats. However, the ultimate challenge is enjoying every bit of the treats without getting their tongue stuck in the process.

There are plenty of lick mat options you can find in-store or online, but you can also craft your own at home, and it's quite easy.

What Is a Lick Mat and How Does It Work?

A lick mat is a flat surface meant for your pet to lick repeatedly. It's not just for dogs; cats can benefit from it too. These mats are usually made of rubber or silicone.

There are various lick mats in stores, ranging from bowl-style to wall-mounted and square-shaped designs. Each option has its own features related to functionality, material quality, ease of cleaning, and durability.

An Easy DIY Lick Mat to Try On Your Dog or Cat

There are various ideas for creating DIY lick mats for pets, and if you're seeking practical options, you can create one at home using these readily available materials: an unused plate or a plastic lid as your mat.

All you need to do is layer the plate or lid with goodies and treats your pet will enjoy to provide a stimulating challenge. Opt for food that freezes well to enhance the experience.

Consider incorporating curd, cheese, bone broth, and coconut oil with your dog's treats. You can also use kibbles, chicken treats, or bits of sardines for added variety. Feel free to get creative with the arrangement or keep it simple

Once you're done, place your DIY lick mat in the freezer until the mixture is completely frozen. Your pets will love licking from it and discovering the frozen treats hidden within.

Lick mats peppered with treats are a fun way to stimulate your pets. Engaging your pet in sniffing and licking activities adds excitement to their day and helps reduce their stress and anxiety, promoting good oral hygiene in the process. As an added benefit, lick mats can also be a tasty way to give your pets their supplements.

Here's also a DIY Argentine Grill instruction.

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