A woman cleaning the balcony | Source: Shutterstock
A woman cleaning the balcony | Source: Shutterstock

How to Clean Balcony without Upsetting Neighbors: 5 Simple Tips

Christell Fatima M. Tudtud
Dec 28, 2023
07:40 A.M.
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Balconies are exposed to elements and need regular cleaning. But city apartment dwellers face a unique challenge: how to keep their balconies clean without disturbing neighbors living nearby.

Balconies, those charming outdoor extensions of urban living spaces, need consistent upkeep for aesthetics and health reasons. These elevated spaces are particularly susceptible to problems such as corrosion and potential health hazards.

However, living in city apartments can make balcony maintenance particularly challenging. Extra care and attention are necessary when cleaning balconies in such tight spaces. Below, you'll find practical tips to keep your balcony pristine while respecting your neighbors' peace.

Balconies in the building | Source: Pexels

Balconies in the building | Source: Pexels

1. Pick the right time.

Timing is critical when cleaning your balcony in a shared living space. Choose mid-morning or early afternoon when neighbors are less likely to be disturbed, as most may already be out for their day's activities.

Be aware of quiet hours, typically around 10 or 11 in the evening, and inform your neighbors beforehand about your cleaning plans. A proactive approach helps maintain good relations.

Pick mid-morning or early afternoon to clean the balcony when neighbors are less likely to be bothered. | Source: Pexels

Pick mid-morning or early afternoon to clean the balcony when neighbors are less likely to be bothered. | Source: Pexels

2. Use noiseless tools.

Choose quieter cleaning tools, such as a broom or handheld scrubber. For a more peaceful cleaning experience, avoid using loud power tools like washers, drills, or sanders.

Always be mindful of neighbors who value a quiet atmosphere. As you clean, move your furniture quietly and keep conversations and music at a lower volume.

Choose quieter cleaning tools, like a broom, when tidying up your balcony to keep noise levels down. | Source: Pexels

Choose quieter cleaning tools, like a broom, when tidying up your balcony to keep noise levels down. | Source: Pexels

3. Skip strong cleaning chemicals.

Steer clear of harsh chemicals or abrasives that create unpleasant odors for neighbors. Pouring chemicals over the balcony could also result in drips onto the balconies or spaces of those living below.

Instead, choose environmentally friendly and non-toxic cleaning products to reduce the risk of strong chemical odors drifting to nearby spaces, as your neighbors may consider this offensive.

Opt for eco-friendly, non-toxic cleaners to prevent strong chemical smells from spreading while cleaning your balcony. | Source: Pexels

Opt for eco-friendly, non-toxic cleaners to prevent strong chemical smells from spreading while cleaning your balcony. | Source: Pexels

4. Conserve water and control runoff.

Be mindful of water runoff to prevent hazards to yourself and your neighbors. Use minimal water while cleaning, ensuring it does not trickle down to lower floors.

Dampen your cleaning cloth or mop rather than drenching the balcony. If water use is necessary, direct it away from neighboring balconies to prevent any inconvenience caused by excessive runoff.

Use as little water as possible when cleaning your balcony, like with a damp cloth or mop. | Source: Pexels

Use as little water as possible when cleaning your balcony, like with a damp cloth or mop. | Source: Pexels

5. Finish promptly and thank your neighbor after.

Be efficient when cleaning your balcony, finishing quickly to minimize disruptions for your neighbors. Once done, consider informing and expressing thanks to your neighbors for their patience and understanding.

A casual note or a friendly chat can help build positive relations and a sense of community. Keeping your balcony clean and tidy benefits you personally and contributes to your neighbors' well-being.

After cleaning, thank your neighbors for being patient and understanding. | Source: Pexels

After cleaning, thank your neighbors for being patient and understanding. | Source: Pexels

Maintaining a clean balcony in a shared living space requires balancing personal comfort and consideration for neighbors. By following these simple tips — choosing the right time, using noiseless tools, avoiding harsh chemicals, conserving water, and finishing promptly — you can enjoy a pristine balcony without upsetting those who share the urban oasis.

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