Fluorite crystal | Source: Getty Images
Fluorite crystal | Source: Getty Images

How to Clean Fluorite: 5 Ways to Cleanse This Healing Crystal

Milla Sigaba
Jan 11, 2024
01:00 P.M.
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From keeping you calm to warding off unwanted negative energy, fluorite crystals have many powerful and healing properties, so ensuring they are properly cleansed is paramount.

Fluorite is the mineral form of calcium fluoride, and its versatility cannot be understated. This natural resource is manufactured industrially to make everything from toothpaste to atomic bombs.

However, in crystal form, fluorite is treasured for its healing properties, as it is often used for meditation and energetic cleansing. But to truly savor the magical effect of these stones, they need to be properly cleansed. Learn how to clean fluorite crystals with these five easy cleansing methods.

How to Clean Fluorite Crystals

From white to green to blue and purple, fluorite crystals come in virtually every rainbow color, each with unique characteristics. However, regardless of their color, you can cleanse your fluorite crystals with the five simple methods below:

1. Placing them under the full moon: A full moon is a powerful point in the lunar cycle and is a great way to cleanse and charge your fluorite crystals. All you have to do is place them outside on the ground overnight or on a windowsill that gets moonlight. Similarly, you can leave your crystals in direct sunlight for an hour, cleansing them with the bright star's positive and vibrant energy.

2. Burying them in the ground: As crystals are born from the Earth, they are also cleansed by it. To cleanse your fluorite crystals of any negative energy, completely bury them in the ground and allow them to rest there for three days.

3. Give them a sound bath: Another way to cleanse fluorite crystals is with a sound bath. You can cleanse these gemstones with a sound bath by placing them no more than three feet away from you and begin making noises or sounds, from the popular "om" sound or whatever else comes naturally. As you do this, the sound waves will cleanse the crystal by pushing away negative energy.

4. Place them on top of a selenite tab: Selenite is a self-cleansing crystal, and by placing your fluorite crystals on a selenite tab, the usually thick and wide tab will cleanse the fluorite crystals and restore their healing energy.

5. Smudge them in sage or incense smoke: Incense and sage have been used for their spiritual healing and cleansing properties for years, and you can cleanse your fluorite crystals in sage or incense smoke by burning either and moving your crystals around the smoke. Also, blow the smoke of the sage or the incense over the crystals, and after you've done this for a few minutes, your fluorite crystals have been cleansed.

The more you clean your fluorite crystals, the better they will work at omitting healing energy. While how often you clean them is entirely based on how often you use them, a good rule of thumb is to clean your fluorite crystals at least once a month.

For more cleaning how-tos, here is a guide on how to clean a baseball glove for optimal performance.

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