A dog | A person drying their hands | Source: Freepik
A dog | A person drying their hands | Source: Freepik

DIY Dog Wipes — A Cheap and Easy Sanitary Alternative for Your Furry Companion

Milla Sigaba
Apr 13, 2024
05:30 A.M.
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Embark on a journey to revolutionize your pet care routine with DIY dog wipes, the ultimate hack for maintaining your furry friend's hygiene without breaking the bank. Perfect for busy pet parents or those on the move, these wipes are your quick-fix solution to pet cleanliness and comfort.

In today’s fast-paced world, keeping our furry companions clean and fresh can often seem like a daunting task, especially between those essential bath times. This, grooming wipes have emerged as a lifesaver for pet owners everywhere.

But, have you ever considered the wonders of DIY dog wipes? Not only are they a cost-effective alternative, but they also allow for a personalized touch to meet your pet’s specific needs.

In this article, we will dive into the easy steps to create your own DIY dog wipes, promising a simple yet effective method to keep your dog clean, happy, and healthy. Stick around as we guide you through a budget-friendly, sanitary solution that your furry friend will thank you for.

Two puppies | Source: Pexels

Two puppies | Source: Pexels

Craft Your Own DIY Dog Wipes

Materials You’ll need:

  • One air-tight container:
  • Half a roll of paper towels
  • Water
  • Dawn dish soap
  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • Coconut oil (optional)
  • Lavender essential oil for a calming scent.
A black pug | Source: Pexels

A black pug | Source: Pexels


  1. Start by adding water, a squirt of Dawn dish soap, a splash of hydrogen peroxide, and if you're using it, a dollop of coconut oil in a large mixing bowl.
  2. Ensure all your ingredients are thoroughly combined by whisking them together, forming the base of your DIY dog wipes solution.
  3. Cut your paper towel roll in half, and carefully remove the cardboard core to allow for easy dispensing.
  4. Place one-half of the paper towel roll into your airtight container. The top of the roll should easily pull up, mimicking a commercial wipe dispenser.
  5. Pour your prepared mixture evenly over the paper towels, ensuring each sheet is well-saturated with the solution.
  6. Finally, enhance your DIY dog wipes with 4-5 drops of Lavender essential oil, distributing it over the top for a soothing aroma.

These wipes are perfect for quick clean-ups, whether you’re at home or on the go, ensuring your furry friend stays clean and comfortable no matter the situation. Plus, the addition of natural ingredients like Lavender essential oil and coconut oil means you’re also pampering your pet with each wipe.

If you're looking to keep your home as fresh as your pet, don’t miss our next article on how to get rid of dog smell on the couch for simple, effective strategies to maintain a clean, inviting home for both you and your furry companions.

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