A bowl of Orbeez | Source: Shutterstock
A bowl of Orbeez | Source: Shutterstock

How to Make Orbeez Grow Faster — 5 Effective Ways

Christell Fatima M. Tudtud
Jan 20, 2024
08:30 A.M.
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Orbeez, known as gel balls, can soak up water and expand into soft, jelly-like balls. Fans of this fun toy often want to make their Orbeez grow faster. Here are five simple ways to speed up the process.

Created by Maya Toys in 1992, Orbeez became famous after being acquired by the toy giant Spin Master in 2009. Created originally as a soil alternative for farming, this expanding toy transformed into a sensory play material for kids and a unique decoration for floral arrangements.

Many videos show people filling paddling pools and baths with these non-toxic toys. If you want to enhance your Orbeez experience, here's a quick guide with five ways to make them grow faster.

A closer look of colorful Orbeez | Source: Shutterstock

A closer look of colorful Orbeez | Source: Shutterstock

How to Make Orbeez Grow Faster

1. Soak them in low-pH water.

One of the most effective methods to accelerate the growth of Orbeez is using low-pH water. Since low-pH water is slightly acidic, Orbeez grows faster and larger when immersed.

While most people choose tap water with a neutral pH of 7, to truly enhance your Orbeez growth, you should aim for a lower pH, around 5. A slight increase in acidity can significantly boost its growth, and fortunately, achieving this is simple with common kitchen ingredients like vinegar or lemon juice.

To begin, fill a container with the desired amount of water and add a teaspoon of vinegar or lemon juice per cup. Ensure thorough stirring before adding the Orbeez. Avoid adding excessive lemon juice or vinegar, as overly acidic conditions can harm the Orbeez.

Soak the Orbeez in water with a low pH, approximately at a pH level of 5, to promote their growth. | Source: Shutterstock

Soak the Orbeez in water with a low pH, approximately at a pH level of 5, to promote their growth. | Source: Shutterstock

2. Keep them away from sunlight.

It's essential to shield the Orbeez from direct sunlight. Exposure to direct ultraviolet rays can compromise the integrity of the balls, leading to a loss of their vibrant colors.

The shade is Orbeez's ally, protecting them from the sun's harsh rays. To preserve their beauty, place it in a dark and cool environment.

Ensure to position the Orbeez in a cool, dark environment, away from direct sunlight. | Source: Shutterstock

Ensure to position the Orbeez in a cool, dark environment, away from direct sunlight. | Source: Shutterstock

3. Ensure the room temperature isn't too hot or too cold.

The room temperature affects the speed of the Orbeez's growth, as these colorful beads thrive in warm and moist environments.

For ideal growth, Orbeez prefers water that is not too hot or cold. The perfect water temperature for their growth is around 70-80°F (21-27°C). Too much heat can make them shrink; if it's too cold, they'll take longer to grow.

Maintain the right room temperature to boost Orbeez growth, in addition to regulating their water temperature. | Source: Shutterstock

Maintain the right room temperature to boost Orbeez growth, in addition to regulating their water temperature. | Source: Shutterstock

4. Add sugar to the Orbeez's water.

Sugar is like Orbeez's energy drink; adding sugar can also be effective, causing the Orbeez to expand. For this method, fill a container with water. Add sugar to the water, using a teaspoon of sugar for each cup of water as a good initial measurement. Stir until the sugar is completely dissolved then submerge the Orbeez fully in the container.

However, this method may have a slight drawback – the Orbeez might become slightly sticky. While soaking your Orbeez in a sugary solution may result in this minor inconvenience, the outcome is some delightfully plump beads!

Boost Orbeez growth by mixing sugar into the water. | Source: Pexels

Boost Orbeez growth by mixing sugar into the water. | Source: Pexels

5. Add salt to the water.

Like sugar, adding salt to the water boosts the Orbeez's growth. However, it's essential to be mindful of the salt quantity, as excessive amounts can make the Orbeez hard and impact its texture.

To make your Orbeez expand faster, fill a container with water, then add a small pinch of salt, ensuring it completely dissolves as you stir. Next, place the Orbeez into the container, fully submerging them in the salty water.

Let the Orbeez soak and expand for several hours or overnight. Once they have reached their full size, carefully remove the expanded Orbeez from the container.

When you add salt to the water, be careful not to use too much, as it can make the Orbeez hard and change their texture. | Source: Pexels

When you add salt to the water, be careful not to use too much, as it can make the Orbeez hard and change their texture. | Source: Pexels

Whether used for sensory play or unique decorations, Orbeez continues to captivate and entertain, proving that the journey of these tiny, water-absorbing beads is far from over.

So, enhance your Orbeez experience and watch as these vibrant, plump orbs grow to their maximum potential. Meanwhile, if you're interested in healing crystals, explore steps on how to clean fluorite to enhance its energy and vibrancy.

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