Squishmallows | Source: Getty Images
Squishmallows | Source: Getty Images

How to Make a Squishmallow Clean and Fluffy Again in a Few Simple Steps

Milla Sigaba
Mar 08, 2024
09:29 A.M.
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Discover the secret to bringing your child's favorite Squishmallow back to life with our easy guide on how to make a Squishmallow clean and fluffy again.

In a world brimming with children's toys, Squishmallows have etched a special place in the hearts of kids and adults alike. These plush companions, offered in an array of colors and shapes by Kelly Toys, are more than just soft and squishy delights.

However, the plush nature of Squishmallows, while a source of appeal, also makes them prone to wear and tear from daily adventures.

Learning how to make a Squishmallow clean and fluffy again is pivotal for preserving the joy these cuddly friends bring. This guide will walk you through rejuvenating your Squishmallow, ensuring it stays clean, fluffy, and ready for more loving squeezes.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Squishmallow Care

1. Spot Cleaning: The First Line of Defense

The journey to restoring your Squishmallow's fluffiness begins with spot cleaning. Addressing stains promptly can prevent them from becoming permanent fixtures.

Gently dab the affected area with a damp cloth—rubbing might push the stain deeper. For stubborn stains, apply a bit of dish soap to a separate damp cloth and tap the area. After letting the soap sit for five minutes, rinse with a clean, damp cloth and allow the Squishmallow to air dry. This method often suffices for surface stains, preserving the plush toy's integrity.

2. Machine Washing: For Thorough Cleans

If spot cleaning doesn't do the trick or your Squishmallow is extensively soiled, machine washing might be necessary. But caution is key to prevent damage. Placing your Squishmallow in a mesh laundry bag or a tied-off pillowcase protects it during the wash.

Balance the washing machine with a few towels, use mild detergent, and select a gentle, low-temperature cycle. High temperatures can alter the fabric, so cold water is best.

3. Drying: The Crucial Final Step

Avoid the temptation to speed up the process with a dryer. The high heat can be detrimental to your Squishmallow. Air drying is the safest route — whether outdoors in the sunshine or indoors on a drying rack. Patience during this step ensures your Squishmallow remains as cuddly as the day you brought it home.

By following these straightforward steps, you can ensure your Squishmallow remains a clean, fluffy companion for years to come. Regular care not only maintains the aesthetic charm of these beloved plush toys but also ensures they remain hygienic and safe.

While your family's Squishmallow is in the wash, keep the little ones busy with our guide on how to make cloud dough slime, an adventure that promises to blend creativity with hands-on fun, perfect for family bonding moments.

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