A man repairing a roof | A roof with granular loss | Source: Getty Images
A man repairing a roof | A roof with granular loss | Source: Getty Images

Tips on How to Repair Granular Loss on Your Roof

Milla Sigaba
Jan 24, 2024
08:32 A.M.
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Granular loss is something most roofs experience and can be addressed in two ways. Continue reading for tips on both methods to repair granular loss and what you can do to prevent damage to your roof.

Roofs consist of asphalt shingles, making the structure fire-resistant and protected from UV rays. These shingles are embedded with little pieces of minerals called granules, which may fall off in time, hence the term granular loss.

Granular loss is very normal as roofs age. However, other common contributing factors to granular loss are hail damage, improper installation, manufacturer defects, if a tree or its limbs hit the roof, and more.

Despite being quite common, granular loss can leave your roofing system at risk of damage and should be repaired immediately. Read further for tips on what you can do to repair granular loss and when to seek professional help.

Tips on How to Repair Granular Loss on Your Roof

1. Use a specialized roof sealant to patch affected areas.

For minor granular loss and if you can access your roof, buy a specialized roof sealant and carefully apply it to the affected area yourself. You'll be able to tell if the granular loss is minor if most of the granules are still intact, and only a few small areas need repair.

2. Acquire professional help.

If you notice most of the granules on your roof are damaged and have fallen off, becoming an extensive and severe case, and this is when it is widely recommended to acquire professional help to repair the granular loss.

A trained professional will be able to help identify the cause of the damage and take steps to prevent it in the future. Roof work is also hazardous and is best left to seasoned professionals.

There are also measures you can take to avoid and prevent granular loss, such as regularly having a professional inspect your roof, as well as cleaning your gutter to make sure they are clear of any debris.

While there is little you can do yourself about granular loss, if you happen to have frosted glass in your home, here is a guide on how to clean frosted glass with products you might already have in your home.

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