A fancy bathroom | Source: Shutterstock
A fancy bathroom | Source: Shutterstock

Banish Fishy Smell in Bathroom by Tackling 5 Common Culprits

Christell Fatima M. Tudtud
Jan 28, 2024
05:30 A.M.
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No matter how sophisticated your bathroom is, it can still accumulate odors, which can be embarrassing when hosting guests. The fishy smell in the bathroom can have various causes, and it's crucial to identify and eliminate its source.

Now, when most of us catch a whiff of that fishy scent in our fancy bathroom, our immediate reaction is to dive into a hardcore cleaning spree. But here's the thing: a regular cleaning routine might not be enough to kick that fishy odor out for good.

Don't worry, though! This article is here to help you understand the potential reasons behind that fishy smell in your bathroom. Here are five common culprits of fishy smell and how to extinguish them.

An elegant bathroom | Source: Pexels

An elegant bathroom | Source: Pexels

How to Banish Fishy Smell in the Bathroom

1. Remove sewer gas.

If you notice a sewage smell in your bathroom, focus on your drains. Unpleasant odors often arise when debris gets trapped in pipes, feeding bacteria that produce strong-smelling hydrogen sulfide gas.

Start by running water in your bathroom to create a barrier against gas infiltration. Check for loose pipes in your basement; consult a professional for major issues, but minor problems can often be addressed by tightening or replacing pipes.

Try DIY solutions like pouring a mixture of baking soda and vinegar down the drain, followed by hot water. Alternatively, seek the expertise of a plumber for a thorough inspection of your home's plumbing system if the problem persists.

Pour a mix of baking soda and vinegar down the drain, then follow it with hot water to get rid of sewer gas. | Source: Shutterstock

Pour a mix of baking soda and vinegar down the drain, then follow it with hot water to get rid of sewer gas. | Source: Shutterstock

2. Fix electrical wiring.

If you notice a fishy smell with a hint of burnt rubber in your bathroom, your electrical system is likely causing the issue. Typically, it's best to call an electrician, but if you have some knowledge about electrical work, you can fix it yourself. Just remember to turn off your home's electricity before proceeding.

Wet wires can lead to blown fuses, especially in older appliances where the plastic around the wires might burn, posing a fire risk. Keep a close eye on your bathroom wiring, ensuring everything is sealed properly to prevent potential problems.

After addressing any electrical concerns, if you still detect the smell of burnt rubber, it's essential to rule out plumbing issues. Before calling the plumber, check if it originates from an electrical wire. If the situation calls for a professional, do not hesitate to contact an electrician.

If you're not sure how to fix electrical issues, it's best to get help from an electrician. | Source: Shutterstock

If you're not sure how to fix electrical issues, it's best to get help from an electrician. | Source: Shutterstock

3. Remove animal corpses.

The unpleasant fish smell from the bathroom may indicate dead animals hidden somewhere. Rodents, like rats or mice, often seek warmth near heaters and hot water pipes, leading to the release of an acidic odor known as ammonia.

Identifying the origin of the smell can be challenging, particularly when the dead animal's carcass is concealed within the walls, necessitating additional effort to reach it.

Despite the dirty nature of the task, homeowners can handle the removal themselves, taking necessary sanitary precautions such as using gloves, a grabbing device, and a face mask for safe disposal of the animal corpses.

When removing deceased animals from the bathroom, make sure to wear gloves and have a trash bag ready for disposal. | Source: Shutterstock

When removing deceased animals from the bathroom, make sure to wear gloves and have a trash bag ready for disposal. | Source: Shutterstock

4. Unclog dirty drains and vents.

Over time, bathroom drains can gather hair, soap scum, and debris, resulting in undesirable odors, including a fishy smell. A common cause is a blocked or slow-flowing drain, often due to excess hair and soap buildup.

Regularly use a plunger on bathroom drains and use natural remedies like baking soda and vinegar to address the issue. Meanwhile, slow drainage and gurgling may indicate a dirty drain or a clogged vent.

While external clogs can be manually removed, internal vent clogs require professional intervention, as dismantling the system is necessary. Regular maintenance can help prevent these issues and maintain clear drains.

Use a plunger to unclog drains, and explore home remedies such as vinegar and baking soda as additional solutions. | Source: Shutterstock

Use a plunger to unclog drains, and explore home remedies such as vinegar and baking soda as additional solutions. | Source: Shutterstock

5. Ensure proper ventilation

To prevent mold and odors, keep your bathroom clean and dry and consistently clean the space, ensuring adequate ventilation and promptly addressing any signs of mold.

Instead of relying solely on air fresheners, consider natural alternatives like spray bottles with natural scents or gel odor eliminators. Ensure adequate ventilation by using a working fan and keeping doors and windows open.

While air purifiers can be an investment, they effectively eliminate allergens and odors. Various products in the market provide practical solutions to target and neutralize bathroom odors while adding a pleasant fragrance.

Use air fresheners or scents to keep the bathroom smelling clean and fresh. | Source: Shutterstock

Use air fresheners or scents to keep the bathroom smelling clean and fresh. | Source: Shutterstock

By addressing these issues, you can create a fresh and inviting bathroom environment for yourself and your guests! Remember, a proactive approach to maintenance and cleanliness goes a long way in preventing and eliminating unwanted bathroom odors.

Similarly, dealing with unpleasant odors extends beyond the bathroom, as homes often face issues like the lingering scent of dog urine, particularly in specialized rugs like cowhide.

If you're seeking an effective cleaning solution, here's a comprehensive guide on how to clean dog urine from cowhide rugs.

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