A Montessori bookshelf | Source: Instagram/arkandable
A Montessori bookshelf | Source: Instagram/arkandable

DIY Montessori Bookshelf — a Handy Guide to Crafting a Child-Friendly Reading Space

Milla Sigaba
Feb 04, 2024
05:30 A.M.
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Create a space that promotes independence and a thirst for knowledge in your child, all in the comfort of your home, with this helpful DIY Montessori bookshelf guide.

A Montessori bookshelf is a storage system specifically designed to instill a love for reading in children by giving them instant access to books. With this piece of furniture, your little one can independently and inquisitively reach for their favorite bedtime story or learn their ABCs.

For a Montessori bookshelf that perfectly fits any space in your home, doesn't take up too much space, and makes it easy for your child to reach for their favorite book, try your hand at this DIY Montessori bookshelf tutorial.

A Step-by-Step Guide on a DIY Montessori Bookshelf

What You'll Need:

  • Skill saw
  • measuring tape
  • pencil
  • clamps
  • 1/2 inch plywood
  • 3/4 inch plywood
  • an extra piece of plywood as a wood cutting guide
  • plywood glue
  • a ruler


1. Measure the distance between the blade and the guard on the skill saw. Ensure the Skill saw is unplugged if it has a cord, or remove the battery if it's cordless for this step.

Pro tip: Once you have measured the distance between the blade and the guard, remember to add it every time you measure your plywood. This is because you place the wood cutting guide against the guard on the skill saw, not the actual blade, so you need to account for this distance in your plywood measurements.

Measure the distance between the blade and the guard on the Skill saw and add it to future plywood measurements | Source: YouTube/Bryce Lane

Measure the distance between the blade and the guard on the Skill saw and add it to future plywood measurements | Source: YouTube/Bryce Lane

2. From the 3/4 inch plywood, use your Skill saw to cut two 48'' x 4'' pieces of vertical supports and four 22 1/2'' x 3 7/8'' pieces of shelf bases. Use the extra piece of plywood as a cutting guide, and remember to factor in the measurements from Step 1.

3. From the 1/2 inch plywood, use your Skill saw to cut one 22 1/2'' x 2 1/2'' wall mount board and three 22 1/2'' x 2/12'' shelf stoppers. Use the extra piece of plywood as a cutting guide, and remember to factor in the measurements from Step 1.

The different pieces of plywood needed, their quantity, and measurements. | Source: YouTube/Bryce Lance

The different pieces of plywood needed, their quantity, and measurements. | Source: YouTube/Bryce Lance

4. Once you have all the pieces, you are ready to assemble your DIY Montessori bookshelf. You can use plywood glue or a nail gun to do so.

5. Use a pencil to mark where your shelf bases will go on the vertical supports, and lay the supports on the ground, on a table, or preferably on a large extra piece of plywood to keep everything straight and square.

Use a pencil and measuring tape to mark where you will glue the shelf bases onto the vertical supports. | Source: YouTube/Bryce Lane

Use a pencil and measuring tape to mark where you will glue the shelf bases onto the vertical supports. | Source: YouTube/Bryce Lane

6. Once you've made your markings on the vertical supports, use a ruler to make straighter lines on the supports to clearly map out where you will be placing the shelf bases. Ensure the bottom of the shelf basses are lined up with the bottom of the pencil marks.

7. Once you're sure everything is aligned, spread enough plywood glue along the sides of the shelf bases one by one and firmly press them against the vertical supports on either side. If your plywood has different textures on either side, ensure the prettier side faces upwards.

Pro tip: Use clamps to hold together any plywood pieces that need more time to dry firmly.

Firmly clamp any plywood pieces that need more time to dry. | Source: YouTube/Bryce Lane

Firmly clamp any plywood pieces that need more time to dry. | Source: YouTube/Bryce Lane

8. Once you've glued the shelf bases to the vertical supports, glue the three shelf stoppers to the three bottom shelf bases. Glue the wall mount board to the top shelf base. This is what will keep the bookshelf mounted to the wall of your choice.

10. Fill the bookshelf with books and decorative pieces, and watch your little one learn.

Mount the homemade Montesorri bookshelf against the wall once dried and fill it with books and decorative pieces. | Source: YouTube/Bryce Lane

Mount the homemade Montesorri bookshelf against the wall once dried and fill it with books and decorative pieces. | Source: YouTube/Bryce Lane

Now that you know how to DIY a Montesorri bookshelf, you can sit back and watch your child enrich their knowledge and exercise independence every time they simply reach up and grab their favorite book.

For more DIY fun for you and your family, here is an exciting DIY clay slime tutorial for you to try.

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