A boba bar | Source: Instagram/teajsdrinks
A boba bar | Source: Instagram/teajsdrinks

DIY Boba Bar Essentials for a Home Set-Up

Milla Sigaba
Feb 07, 2024
09:01 A.M.
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To elevate your next soirée, continue reading for the essentials in setting up a DIY boba bar, ensuring your guests have the perfect boba tea experience they will never forget.

Boba tea is an Asian refreshment consisting of the sweet taste of syrups, jelly, milk, tea, and, the star of the show, tapioca pearls. The term "boba" refers to the tapioca pearls in this sugary drink as well as the boba tea drink itself.

Boba tea, also known as bubble tea, can be enjoyed in many ways, as it comes in various flavors. To offer party-goers a memorable boba tea experience, incorporate the perfect DIY boba bar into your next gathering by taking note of these essentials.

Boba tea | Source: Getty Images

Boba tea | Source: Getty Images

DIY Boba Bar — The Essentials

1. Tea Options

Part of the fun of a boba bar is offering your guests the chance to customize their tea to their taste and try out different flavors. To create this experimental experience, ensure your DIY boba bar has a wide variety of boba tea options. Here are some of the types of tea you can offer:

  • Black tea
  • Green tea
  • Fruit tea
  • Taro tea

Brew the tea ahead of time, and once cooled, pour the tea into dispensers.

2. Milk Options

Apart from tea options, provide your guests with an assortment of milk to accommodate their different dietary preferences regarding dairy. Here are some of the types of milk you can offer:

  • almond milk
  • soy milk
  • rice milk
  • whole milk
Different types of Boba tea | Source: Getty Images

Different types of Boba tea | Source: Getty Images

3. Toppings Selection

People enjoy their boba tea in different ways, so make your boba bar as versatile as possible by including whatever toppings you think your guests would enjoy. This may include:

  • jelly
  • brown sugar pears
  • popping boba
  • tapioca pearls
A person drinking Boba tea | Source: Getty Images

A person drinking Boba tea | Source: Getty Images

4. Materials and Equipment

The perfect boba bar must have all the necessary equipment as follows:

  • tea dispensers labeled with their respective tea flavors
  • jars for the boba toppings with labels
  • plastic or paper cups, straws, and spoons for serving the tea
  • ice stored in an ice bucket with a scooper
  • labels/signs with instructions for guests' easy navigation of your boba bar

5. The Set-up

Assemble your DIY boba bar for easy and smooth access. Lay out the cups and straws first, followed by the different boba teas, kinds of milk, and toppings.

Ideas for Decorations:

  • bamboo-framed signs
  • tropical table skirt
  • thatched-roof detailing
  • boba tea bar banner
  • tea-themed balloons, pillowcases, neon signs, and whatever suits the vibe.

Now that you know the essentials for a DIY boba bar, you can elevate your future social gatherings and give your party-goers an unforgettable boba experience.

For another stellar addition to your home for entertaining family and guests, try this DIY Argentine grill, perfect for preparing juicy and smokey meat.

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