A cat resting on the carpet | Source: Pexels/lord_photon
A cat resting on the carpet | Source: Pexels/lord_photon

How to Get Cat Litter out of Your Carpet in 4 Simple Steps

Christell Fatima M. Tudtud
Dec 22, 2023
11:47 A.M.
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Many people love cats because they are quiet, independent, and easy to care for. While these feline companions offer perks like affection and playfulness, owning them has downsides, and a common problem is cat litter on carpets.

Cats are quiet, making them an ideal choice for those living where noise levels are a concern. Plus, their independence makes them perfect for busy individuals. While cats have positive traits, owning them also poses challenges.

A common problem is cat litter ending up on carpets, whether stuck to their paws or kicked out of the litter box. This can spread germs and cause unpleasant smells. However, with a few simple steps, you can easily clean up after your cat, particularly when cat litter finds its way onto the carpet.

Cat on the carpet | Source: Pexels

Cat on the carpet | Source: Pexels

Step 1: Use paper towels to clean up the litter and allow it to dry.

When cat litter ends up on your carpet, the first instinct may be to grab a wet towel or pour water to clean it up. But this can make the litter stick more. Instead, use paper towels to remove as much wet litter as possible.

Act swiftly because wet litter can create unpleasant odors in your home if not removed quickly. Dab away extra moisture, and let it dry naturally before proceeding to the next step. Dry litter is easier to manage and prevents it from sticking to the carpet fibers.

Use paper towels to remove as much litter as possible and let it dry naturally. | Source: Pexels

Use paper towels to remove as much litter as possible and let it dry naturally. | Source: Pexels

Step 2: Clean the affected area with a brush.

Once the litter has dried, gently use a carpet scrubbing brush to loosen it from the fibers. A quick, brisk brushing should suffice for this step, being careful not to damage the carpet fibers while brushing.

Keep brushing until most of the clumps are gone. This helps the litter stop sticking to the carpet, making cleaning easier. Pick up the litter lifted off the carpets with paper towels.

Gently brush the affected area to loosen cat litter from the carpet fibers. | Source: Pexels

Gently brush the affected area to loosen cat litter from the carpet fibers. | Source: Pexels

Step 3: Clean the affected area with a simple or special solution.

To tackle lingering odor or discoloration, turn to a pet stain remover or an enzyme cleaner. Enzyme cleaners are good at breaking down proteins responsible for odor and contamination, maintaining a sanitized environment in your home.

Focus the solution on the affected area and perform a spot test in an inconspicuous carpet section to ensure no color changes occur. Let the enzyme cleaner do its job for at least 15 minutes for a swift clean or up to two hours for a more thorough one.

You can also use baking soda to soak up dirt, though it might not eliminate all odors. Just sprinkle baking soda on the stained part of the carpet and let it sit overnight to absorb as much dirt as possible.

Spray the enzyme cleaner on the spot, wait 15 minutes to two hours, then clean it up. | Source:

Spray the enzyme cleaner on the spot, wait 15 minutes to two hours, then clean it up. | Source:

Step 4: Vacuum the area.

Once you have removed a lot of the cat litter and used a cleaning solution, vacuum the carpet to remove any leftover debris. If you still see bits of litter, repeat the previous steps as necessary. Regular vacuuming eventually helps keep the carpet clean and odor-free.

Vacuum the carpet to eliminate any remaining debris, and repeat as necessary. |  Source: Pexels

Vacuum the carpet to eliminate any remaining debris, and repeat as necessary. | Source: Pexels

While cats make lovely companions, dealing with litter on carpets can be quite a challenge. Follow these four steps to effectively clean cat litter from your carpet, ensuring a clean and hygienic living space for you and your cat.

In addition to cat litter, household owners often encounter issues with food sauces, such as BBQ sauce, on carpets. Fortunately, there are various cleaning solutions available. Explore ways to remove BBQ sauce from your carpet using four easy home remedies.

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