A dog lounging on a couch | Source: Shutterstock
A dog lounging on a couch | Source: Shutterstock

How to Get Rid of Dog Smell on Couch — 7 Easy Methods to Try

Akhona Zungu
Feb 24, 2024
05:30 A.M.
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If you're reading this, chances are you've just noticed a rather unpleasant smell on your couch and you've found the source: your little furry friend. Discover how you can get rid of that dog smell on your couch with these seven methods.

After noticing that your couch has an unpleasant dog smell, you might be wondering what caused your furry friend to have such an odor.

It might be remnants of their recent activities like playing in the park, roaming around, or their last meal. Perhaps it's been a while since they had a bath or maybe they don't bathe often enough.

In severe cases, a nasty dog smell could indicate health problems like ear infections, skin allergies, or an internal sickness. This is when you want to visit a veterinarian to address any possible issues.

However, if you've determined the scent isn’t health-related, here are 7 methods to try and get rid of that dog smell on your couch.

Adorable dogs resting in a modern living room | Source: Shutterstock

Adorable dogs resting in a modern living room | Source: Shutterstock

How to Get Rid of Dog Smell on Couch

1. Baking Soda

Using baking soda to get rid of a dog smell on your couch is a cost-effective method as this item is usually readily available in most households. Simply sprinkle some on the affected area and leave it overnight, then vacuum your couch the next morning.

Just ensure that your pup understands the couch is off-limits while it has baking soda.

A small bowl of baking soda | Source: Shutterstock

A small bowl of baking soda | Source: Shutterstock

2. Machine Wash

No, that doesn't mean try and squeeze your couch into the washing machine. Just throw your cushion covers and removable couch garments in the machine and use a strong laundry detergent to remove the odor.

If you regularly allow your dog on your couch, you'll want to wash the covers and garments periodically to avoid unpleasant smells seeping into the cushions themselves.

Slightly unzipped couch cushion | Source: Shutterstock

Slightly unzipped couch cushion | Source: Shutterstock

3. Enzymatic Cleaner or Pet-Specific Deodorizer

If the dog odor on your couch is accompanied by the smell of their urine, an enzymatic cleaner is your best bet. Alternatively, you can purchase a pet-specific deodorizer that's furniture-friendly.

A cleaner spraying a couch | Source: Shutterstock

A cleaner spraying a couch | Source: Shutterstock

4. Fabric Freshener

This solution is more of a short-term or maintenance method, as fabric fresheners typically don't prevent or completely eliminate pet odors. If you choose this route, ensure you use a dog-friendly fabric freshener to remove the dog smell from your couch.

A used bottle of Febreze fabric freshener | Source: Shutterstock

A used bottle of Febreze fabric freshener | Source: Shutterstock

5. Vacuum

Pet dander and dandruff can accumulate over time if your dog is used to sitting on your couch, and that filth can create a stink if left unaddressed. Therefore, vacuuming your couch will remove the dog odor, and doing it regularly will keep unwanted smells at bay.

A cleaner vacuuming a couch | Source: Shutterstock

A cleaner vacuuming a couch | Source: Shutterstock

6. Professional Cleaning

If none of the above-mentioned methods work, you may have to consider getting professional cleaners to remove the dog smell on your couch. They will likely have strong cleaning agents that will get rid of even the toughest odors.

7. Regular Bathing and Grooming

Another surefire way to avoid having to get rid of the pet odor on your couch is regularly bathing and grooming your little (or big!) friend.

As you may know, each breed has different grooming needs, so you might need to consult a vet about those of your dog, and how frequently you should tend to them.

Hopefully, these methods and tips will help you get rid of that dog odor on your couch. Unfortunately, though, you're likely to find your pet's odor in other furniture, like a cowhide rug.

If you have one in your home, chances are your little buddy might make a mess there, too. In case that happens, save this post about how to clean dog urine from a cowhide rug.

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