Mothballs on a golf tee | Source: Shutterstock
Mothballs on a golf tee | Source: Shutterstock

How to Get Rid of Mothball Smell from Your Clothes to Your Furniture

Akhona Zungu
Feb 23, 2024
12:30 P.M.
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Mothballs are effective insecticides for protecting your valued furniture and clothing; however, they can leave an unpleasant odor in said items. Learn how to get rid of that mothball smell with the easy methods listed below.

Many people use mothballs to target moths that may damage their clothes or furniture; however, others may use these pesticides incorrectly in their homes and other personal spaces.

Instead of placing them in areas they're specified for on their product package, you might find people placing mothballs in their attics, gardens, trash cans, or vehicles to target other animals like raccoons and squirrels.

Mothballs placed in a hole outdoors to deter rodents | Source: Shutterstock

Mothballs placed in a hole outdoors to deter rodents | Source: Shutterstock

Not only is using mothballs this way improper, illegal, and potentially dangerous for human and pet health, but it can also cause a noxious and persistent odor throughout your home.

That's why you'll find people Googling, "how to get rid of mothball smell." If you're one of them, here's how to deodorize your clothes and furniture of the mothball smell.

A close-up of a hand carrying three mothballs | Source: Shutterstock

A close-up of a hand carrying three mothballs | Source: Shutterstock

How to Get Rid of Mothball Smell: Tackling the Mothball Odor on Your Clothes

What You'll Need:

  • vinegar
  • detergent
  • fabric softener

What to Do:

1. Run a wash cycle with your affected clothes using a cup of white vinegar in the place of a wash detergent.

2. Once that cycle finishes, follow up another, using your normal detergent.

3. For delicate clothing, soak the garments in a bucket filled with one part vinegar and eight parts water for about an hour. Rinse thoroughly, then repeat these steps with detergent. If the mothball smell persists with either soaking or machine washing, repeat.

4. Once you're satisfied, complete your washing process with fabric softener.

Tip: Ensure the smell is completely gone before drying your clothes, lest you run the risk of permanently setting it if you're drying your clothes with heat.

Get rid of the mothball smell with a vinegar wash cycle. | Source: Shutterstock

Get rid of the mothball smell with a vinegar wash cycle. | Source: Shutterstock

Removing the Mothball Odor from Your Furniture

What You'll Need:

  • baking soda
  • vinegar
  • water
  • spray bottle
  • coffee grounds or baking soda

What to Do for Wood Furniture:

1. Remove the mothballs inside and around your furniture.

2. Mix equal parts vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Spritz the solution on your furniture surfaces, wipe it down, then leave it to air dry.

3. If the furniture has enclosed spaces like drawers, cabinets, or even shelves, place bowls of coffee grounds or baking soda inside to absorb the mothball smell.

Use coffee grounds to neutralize mothball odor. | Source: Shutterstock

Use coffee grounds to neutralize mothball odor. | Source: Shutterstock

What to Do for Fabric-Covered Furniture:

1. Remove the mothballs inside and around your furniture.

2. Sprinkle a generous dose of baking soda over the furniture item and leave it for anywhere between an hour and overnight.

3. Vacuum the baking powder.

4. Spritz the furniture with fabric softener.

Vacuum your couch after neutralizing the mothball smell with baking powder. | Source: Shutterstock

Vacuum your couch after neutralizing the mothball smell with baking powder. | Source: Shutterstock

Get Rid of the Mothball Smell in Your Closet

What You'll Need:

  • multi-surface cleaner
  • baking soda, vinegar, or coffee grounds
  • cedar chips or fabric softener
  • rag

What to Do:

2. Wipe the closet interior surfaces, including the built-in shelving, shoe racks, and clothing rods with a rag (wet or dry) and multi-surface cleaner.

3. Place bowls of baking soda, vinegar, or coffee grounds inside the closet and change them out frequently until the mothball smell is gone.

4. Reset the interior scent with a natural insect deterrent like cedar chips or a regular air freshener.

Wipe down the interior of your closet with multi-surface cleaner. | Source: Shutterstock

Wipe down the interior of your closet with multi-surface cleaner. | Source: Shutterstock

In extreme cases, getting rid of mothball odor can be incredibly arduous or simply not doable, forcing homeowners to discard valued items like an antique sofa or carpet.

In others, some will opt out of DIY solutions and purchase commercial mothball deodorizers. Whatever the case is for you, we hope you were able to get rid of that mothball smell without needing any drastic measures.

And now that that’s out of the way, you might also be dealing with carpet moths in your home. Discover how to get rid of carpet moths with a few effective strategies.

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