A mixing jug filled with resin and a metal stirring stick | Source: Shutterstock
A mixing jug filled with resin and a metal stirring stick | Source: Shutterstock

How to Clean Epoxy Resin Mixing Cups: Your Essential Guide

Akhona Zungu
Dec 23, 2023
05:30 A.M.
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Epoxy resin is a widely versatile material used in several industries. When using or cleaning your mixing cups for this substance, it's essential to wear the appropriate protective gear and to exercise caution.

Resin is a viscous liquid polymer that can be naturally or synthetically derived. Among its most well-known benefits is its ability to transform from a liquid to a customizable, solid structure.

There are two main types of resin: thermoplastics and thermoset resins. Epoxy resin falls under the latter category and also has several derivations. It is used in various industries, including building and construction, renewable energy applications, automotive, food packaging, sports and leisure, aerospace, and even art.

Pouring resin into a plastic cup on a food scale. | Source: Shutterstock

Pouring resin into a plastic cup on a food scale. | Source: Shutterstock

When using this material for whatever purpose, you want to ensure you do so safely. Here are a few tips:

  • Wear nitrile gloves — these are recommended because they are unlikely to react upon contact with your skin or resin.
  • If any resin comes in contact with your skin, you can use baby wipes to remove it. Use exfoliant soap and water to remove any remaining residue.
  • Wear a plastic apron, as you can easily peel resin off it in case of spills.
  • Wear safety goggles to protect your eyes.
  • If any resin comes in contact with your eyes, flush them repeatedly with water for approximately 15 minutes and avoid rubbing, then visit a doctor as soon as possible.
  • Ensure your workspace has enough ventilation. For example, open the windows, switch on a ceiling fan, or use the local exhaust ventilation or fume cupboard. You may wear a respiratory mask if you don't have ventilation options.
An artist wearing the appropriate protective gear pours epoxy resin into their artwork. | Source: Shutterstock

An artist wearing the appropriate protective gear pours epoxy resin into their artwork. | Source: Shutterstock

How to Clean Your Resin Mixing Cup

After working on your project, keep your protective gear on for the cleaning process (contrary to cleaning something like a dreamcatcher), as the cleaning materials used can be dangerous if they come into contact with your skin.


1. Wipe the remaining resin out of your cup using a paper towel. Ensure you scrape all sides and the bottom, then discard the soiled paper towel in the trash. Repeat this process as many times as necessary.

Wipe the epoxy resin off with a paper towel. | Source: YouTube/ArtResin

Wipe the epoxy resin off with a paper towel. | Source: YouTube/ArtResin

2. Dab or spray some acetone or denatured rubbing alcohol onto a clean paper towel and remove the remaining resin residue from your mixing cup. Repeat until you're satisfied that all the resin has been removed.

Sprits denatured alcohol or acetone into your mixing cup and wipe with a paper towel. | Source: YouTube/ArtResin

Sprits denatured alcohol or acetone into your mixing cup and wipe with a paper towel. | Source: YouTube/ArtResin

Tip: When doing this step, ensure the resin is still wet; otherwise, if it cures, you may have to soak your cup in acetone or rubbing alcohol to break the resin down or use a heat gun to soften it.

3. Wash your cup with soap and hot water then tip it upside down on a towel and leave it to dry.

Tip your cup upside down on a paper towel after washing, and leave it to dry. | Source: YouTube/ArtResin

Tip your cup upside down on a paper towel after washing, and leave it to dry. | Source: YouTube/ArtResin

An Alternative Method

Alternatively, if you don't want to go through all that wiping, you can clean your epoxy resin mixing cup using the dry method.


1. Tip your mixing cup upside down. Ensure you place it on a silicone mat, parchment, or wax paper and leave it to dry overnight.

Tip your resin mixing cup upside down and leave it to dry overnight. | Source: YouTube/ArtResin

Tip your resin mixing cup upside down and leave it to dry overnight. | Source: YouTube/ArtResin

2. The following day, peel the cup off the work surface and pull the rest of the dry resin out of the cup.

Tip: If your cup is made of plastic, try flexing it — or rolling it between your hands — to loosen the cured resin. If it's made of silicone, leave the stirring stick inside the cup, and once the resin has hardened, use the stick to wiggle it out.

Pull the dried resin out of your cup. | Source: YouTube/ArtResin

Pull the dried resin out of your cup. | Source: YouTube/ArtResin

3. You can discard the dried pieces or repurpose them however you wish.

Discard the cured pieces or repurpose them. | Source: YouTube/ArtResin

Discard the cured pieces or repurpose them. | Source: YouTube/ArtResin

Some Words of Caution:

  • Ensure the leftover resin from your cleaning process is not discarded in the sink, as it may clog your pipes.
  • Try not to let your resin completely cure in your cup because once it dries, there's no removing it, and you may have to discard it.

With these methods and tips outlined above, you should be able to avoid having to buy a new one. And now that yours is clean, off you go to make more beautiful things!

Cleaning lifehacks can become useful anywhere, even if you need to clean a dreamcatcher.

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