An aluminum trailer | Source: Flickr/Trailers of the East Coast/CC BY 2.0
An aluminum trailer | Source: Flickr/Trailers of the East Coast/CC BY 2.0

How to Clean Aluminum Trailers and Restore Their Shine in Four Steps

Christell Fatima M. Tudtud
Jan 10, 2024
08:34 A.M.
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Aluminum trailers play a crucial role in transporting our goods effectively. To keep aluminum trailers looking and performing their best, cleaning them regularly is essential. Here are steps on how to clean aluminum trailers.

Aluminum trailers, known for their durability, lightweight construction, and low maintenance, are popular for various needs, coming in styles like enclosed, open utility, flatbed, and cargo vans.

Over time, these trailers are subjected to harsh elements like sand, mud, and rain during hauling, accumulating dirt that can potentially cause damage. With regular cleaning, you can restore its charm and resilience. Here are four steps on how to clean them.

An aluminum trailer | Source: Shutterstock

An aluminum trailer | Source: Shutterstock

How to Clean Aluminum Trailers

1. Clean and clear the trailer daily.

To keep your trailer in top-notch condition, make it a routine to sweep out any dirt after each trip and give it an excellent hose-down to prevent dirt buildup that could harm your rig.

Use a broom to brush away all the dirt and debris from the bed of your trailer, ensuring a thorough cleaning. This step is crucial in identifying signs of oxidation or other issues, allowing you to inspect every inch of your trailer.

Once the sweeping is complete, let your trailer air dry or use a soft rag to wipe it down, promoting longevity and a well-maintained appearance.

Sweep away dirt and debris from the aluminum trailer using a broom. | Sourc: Pixabay

Sweep away dirt and debris from the aluminum trailer using a broom. | Sourc: Pixabay

2. Wash and scrub the trailer.

Upgrade from a broom to a hose when your aluminum trailer faces tough dirt and grime. Use a hose or pressure washer to remove stubborn debris, but be cautious with wood parts and limit water exposure.

You can use a long-handled scrub brush to apply the soap and then rinse the trailer thoroughly. For challenging mud or dirt, turn to a power washer, a machine known for effectively removing oil, grime, and bugs.

Before unleashing the power washer, perform initial tests on small painted areas to prevent chipping. Next, mix soapy water and let it sit for 5-10 minutes. Afterward, power wash, ensuring no soapy suds remain on the aluminum surface.

Use a hose or pressure washer to effectively eliminate stubborn debris. | Source: Pixabay

Use a hose or pressure washer to effectively eliminate stubborn debris. | Source: Pixabay

3. Eliminate oxidation through an acid bath.

Aluminum trailer owners often grapple with a significant challenge—oxidation. An effective remedy is an acid bath, best handled by professional truck-washing services due to the caustic nature of the acids involved.

When dealing with oxidation and stubborn grime, your best bets are hydrofluoric acid or heavy citrus cleaners. But be careful – these chemicals can cause burns. Make sure to wear the proper protective gear and follow the cleaning instructions closely.

A milder choice is a citrus cleaner for everyday cleaning or lighter oxidation. If that technique falls short, you should use hydrofluoric acid. Just remember, it's strong and risky, so it's better to leave it to the experts.

Exercise caution with hydrofluoric acid or strong citrus cleaners for acid baths; consider professional cleaners. | Source: Shutterstock

Exercise caution with hydrofluoric acid or strong citrus cleaners for acid baths; consider professional cleaners. | Source: Shutterstock

4. Wax and polish the trailer.

Although aluminum is naturally corrosion-resistant and remains unaffected by oxygen, it can still undergo oxidation, resulting in discoloration and a dull appearance over time.

To maintain the pristine look of your aluminum trailer or window frames, thoroughly clean the surfaces. Apply aluminum polish, buffing it for a glossy finish that enhances appearance and guards against rust.

For an extra touch of class, opt for aluminum-specific wax, as this protects against oxidation. Keep the appeal intact by occasionally using foam or spray polish after cleaning. To maintain the appeal of your aluminum surface, occasionally use foam or spray polish after cleaning.

Polish the aluminum to make it glossy and protect it from rust. | Shutterstock

Polish the aluminum to make it glossy and protect it from rust. | Shutterstock

By following these steps, you can ensure that your aluminum trailer stays in top-notch condition, promoting longevity, preserving its appearance, and maintaining optimal performance for effective goods transportation.

Regular cleaning is essential for preserving the trailer's charm and sustaining its overall value. If you're keen on maintaining a clean living space, here are some simple tips on how to clean a balcony without upsetting your neighbors.

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