A woman sleeping with a light on | Source: Shutterstock
A woman sleeping with a light on | Source: Shutterstock

Will Sleeping with the Light on Keep Cockroaches Away? — A Helpful Guide

Milla Sigaba
Mar 28, 2024
01:30 P.M.
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If you've ever wondered whether sleeping with the light on will keep cockroaches away, continue reading for an enlightening guide on whether keeping your lights on at night is a myth or a magic bullet against these persistent pests.

Imagine this: you're finally nestled into your bed, the comforter perfectly enveloping you, ready to embark on a journey to dreamland. But then, out of the corner of your eye, you spot an unwelcome visitor – a cockroach.

Panic replaces peace, and suddenly, sleep feels like an impossible feat. This scenario is all too familiar for many, sparking the age-old question: "Will sleeping with the light on keep cockroaches away?"

Many have pondered this, hoping for a simple trick to keep these nocturnal nuisances at bay. Well, wonder no more! With the guidance provided here, you'll discover the truth behind this commonly asked question and learn practical strategies for cockroach deterrence.

A woman sleeping with a light on | Source: Getty Images

A woman sleeping with a light on | Source: Getty Images

Shedding Light on the Myth: Will Sleeping with the Light On Keep Cockroaches Away?

The query of whether or not sleeping with the light on keeps cockroaches away yields a nuanced answer. While it's true that cockroaches are creatures of the night, thriving in darkness, their survival instincts far outweigh their dislike for light.

Simply put, the presence of light in a room won't deter a cockroach if it's on a quest for sustenance or shelter. These insects are hardwired to survive, meaning that a lit lamp or overhead light won't scare them off.

Despite their nocturnal nature, light does not instill fear in cockroaches, nor does it create an invisible barrier they're unwilling to cross.

A cockroach | Source: Getty Images

A cockroach | Source: Getty Images

Alternative Measures to Combat Cockroaches

  • Immediate Action: If you encounter a cockroach, you can either squash it or capture it to release outside, ensuring it doesn't return to your space.
  • Chemical Warfare: Bug sprays are a quick solution to kill or repel these pests on contact.
  • Trapping: Consider investing in store-bought bug traps that lure cockroaches in and keep them from roaming freely.
  • Natural Repellents: Utilize natural repellents like garlic, lemongrass, pandan leaves, or essential oils with scents like rosemary, oregano, eucalyptus, citrus, lavender, cypress, and peppermint to create an environment that's unwelcoming to cockroaches.
  • Plan B: If all else fails and the cockroach infestation feels overwhelming, switching rooms might provide a temporary respite, giving you time to plan a more comprehensive pest control strategy.
A woman sleeping with a light on | Source: Getty Images

A woman sleeping with a light on | Source: Getty Images

To conclude, while keeping the lights on might seem like an easy fix to deter cockroaches, it unfortunately doesn't stand up to the critters' strong survival instincts. These persistent pests require more formidable strategies for effective control.

However, from squashing them on sight, using bug spray, setting traps, employing natural repellents, or even temporarily relocating, there are various ways to keep your nights peaceful and your sleeping quarters cockroach-free.

For those looking to extend their pest control efforts outdoors, don't miss our next guide on how to get rid of ants in the yard for effective methods for a pest-free space.

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